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  • Writer's pictureKoulis Domatzogloy

27 Jan. 2020

Until this point the project stands on a steady and fertile ground on which the rest of it can be built and developed. The mixture of Gordon’s highlanders, fishermen and samurai hopefully is going to be more versatile, and complex than before. In the first semester although in the composition co-existed different characters each one of them had the uniform or rather the armor of time period he lived. In other words the blending of eras was happening compositionally as a whole but its figure had typical clothes of its time.

On this semester I intent to be more loose and innovative and bold on the appearance of the characters. For example what if a first world war troop holds a samurai head, of a fishing net or a medieval armor. A figure like that by itself is out of any context and can only make sense in a surreal cardboard world.

Plus I would like to also focus on women figures because generally I have neglected them because of inclination I have on drawing mostly male figures. However that probably could be used as an advantage by giving to the women characters seminal points in the narrative.

To summarize in this semester the composition is going towards a more diverse and multileveled direction. Also I would like to search for more artists not only from Scotland but worldwide that could help me on the development.

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